The Only One in the World
"What a terrific anthology this is!
Highly recommended."
What if Sherlock Holmes was Polish? What if he or John Watson were Indian or Irish or Australian or Japanese? How would their worlds look if one or both was from a completely different background?
In The Only One in the World, we asked a baker’s dozen of writers to answer these questions, and the marvelous results are adventures in Ancient Egypt, Viking Iceland, and 17th century England; in 19th century Ireland, Germany, and Poland; in South Africa of the 1970s and New Orleans of the 1920s; and in contemporary Australia, USA, Russia, India and Portugal.
The stories and contributors taking a new look at our old friends, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, include:
- The Affair of the Purloined Rentboy by Greg Herren
- S.H.E.R.L.O.C.K. by Atlin Merrick
- The Path of Truth by Jack Fennell
- Sharaku Homura and the Heart of Iron by Jason Franks
- The Adventure of the Disappearing Village by Natalie Conyer
- The Saga of the Hidden Treasure by Kerry Greenwood and David Greagg
- The Problem of the Lying Author by Lisa Fessler
- Mistress Islet and the General’s Son by Lucy Sussex
- A Scandalous Case of Poisoning by Katya de Becerra
- The Adventure of the Fated Homecoming by Jayantika Ganguly
- Prince Ha-mahes and the Adventure of the Stoned Mason by LJM Owen
- The Enemy Within by Raymond Gates
- A Study in Lavender by JM Redmann
Curious about each story? We've got short author interviews with every writer in the anthology – have a peek!
9780648848783 (hardback)
9780648958628 (paperback)
9780648958635 (ebook)
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"In many ways these are tales about the human condition…
even though their ostensible focus may be a crime and its detection"
Praise for The Only One in the World
"Smart, entertaining, and fresh"
– The Weekend Australian
"The stories are exciting and fresh,
breathing new life into a beloved character"
– Ashleigh Meikle
"The sheer contrast between the stories lends
something extra to the joy of reading them all"
– Erich Mayer
"What a terrific anthology this is!…I think you
will enjoy these stories as much as I did"
– Jennifer Cameron-Smith
"Cool…cool…cool" and "Cool!"
– Phil Brown, Courier Mail
"What a wild romp…there is something in this
anthology for everyone…highly recommended"
– Kirsten McKenzie
"I seriously loved all the different takes on
Sherlock! So many good stories!"
– Candace Robinson